Monday, June 8, 2020

Think of Global Warming - Free Essay Example

Credibility: Throughout this speech I have used many credible resources to back my statements and claims up. Preview: First we will be looking at reasons for there to be mass extinctions. Next, we will talk about the reasoning for having limited food and water supplies. Lastly, we will discuss the causes of increased amounts of floods and droughts. Mass extinction will occur When people think of global warming, they just think about the temperatures rising, but it’s so much more than that. If the temperatures continue to change, there will be a mass extinction. Many animals rely on heat and warmer temperatures to stay alive, and some rely on colder temperatures. Jeffery Kulger, a writer for Times Magazine, stated that â€Å"From 1960 to 2017, the Alpine snow season shortened by 38 days—starting an average of 12 days later and ending 26 days earlier than normal.† This is an example of the snow loss in the Alps.   Another example would be from the artic. If the snow melts earlier, greenery will show which means animals and insects will be out earlier than they should be. This can cause animals and bird to arrive too late to feed. Which will then lead to starvation and then death. This can also affect people who live in the artic. Many typical hunting grounds will be vacant due to animals relocating to colder locations or from them dying off because of the heat. Some areas in the world will also be colder. With more atmospheric energy available, it can cause harsher storms to occur in different areas all over the world (Keating, p.1). These kinds of storms may occur in warmer regions, which will also affect the way humans and animals live there. Temperatures will rise/ fall which will lead to migration and irregular weather. 1. When the temperatures rise, winters will be shorter. The top five warmest years ever have all occurred within the past 8 years (Climate Central, p.1). This causes animals to migrate at different times. An examp le would be a colony of butterflies. Once it gets too cold for them to live here, they will move to a warmer region, which is usually Mexico. If the temperatures fluctuate, the butterflies may leave too early or too soon, and will end up dying off. This can also ruin the soil for plants. Thawing soils can release large quantities of heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere (Francis, p.1). This can then lead to the plant to shut down or die. Extreme cold may still occur, and it will only take a short amount of time for the cold to affect the plant. Plants may over heat due to the lack of water supply. Animals will die off due to not having food, which will cause humans to not have meat nor plants to eat, which will eventually cause us to die off if there is no solution. According to NASA and the EPA, if global warming continues unchecked, it will cause significant climate change, extreme weather events and other severe natural and societal impacts (Lallanila, p.1). Floods and droughts will cause limited food/water supply 1. Global warming will eventually cause the ocean levels to rise due to the melting ice and glaciers located in colder regions. If the water level rises, major flooding will occur in areas like New York, California, Florida, and as stated before Italy. By the end of the century, if we keep on emitting carbon dioxide most coastal cities will be flooded. (Francis, p.1). Once flooding occurs, many will lose their electricity and even their homes. This can also lead to people losing their animals and any food they could’ve been growing. 3. Other parts of the world that are used to the rain fall may now get droughts. Animals and plants may die off due to lack of water and shelter, and this will eventually have an effect on the humans living in that area. This can also cause more forest fires like the one that happened in California last year (Busby, p.1). Conclusion: Overall, global warming is a growing issue. If we do not bring awareness to global warming, we will face mass extinctions, limited food and water supplies, and an increase of floods and droughts. Anyone can help with this rising issue. Even doing small simple things around the house could be beneficial. Human activities that contribute to this issue need to be controlled and eventually stopped so we can protect the environment for the future. References Bradford, A. and Pappas, S. (2017). Effects of Global Warming. [online] Live Science. Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2018]. Busby, J. (2018). Warming World. Foreign Affairs, 97(4), 49–55. Retrieved from direct=truedb=aphAN=131477896site=ehost-livescope=site (2018). The 10 Hottest Global Years on Record. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Oct. 2018]. Francis, Jennifer A. MELTDOWN. Scientific American, vol. 318, no. 4, Apr. 2018, pp. 48-53. Keating, Christopher. †Global Warming.† Salem Press Encyclopedia of Science, 2013. Kluger, Jeffrey. The Big Melt: Climate Change in the Alps. Time, vol. 190, no. 24, 11 Dec. 2017. Lallanila, Marc. â€Å"What Is the Greenhouse Effect?† LiveScience, Purch, 7 Mar. 2018 Seo, S. N. (2015). Adaptation to Global Warming as an Optimal Transition Process to A Greenhouse World. Economic Affairs, 35(2), 272–284.

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