Saturday, December 21, 2019

Human Health And Sustainable Development - 1563 Words

Sustainable development can be described as a method that allows us to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the potentiality of the future generations to meet their own needs. It is about improving the quality of lifestyle for humans by preserving the environment, using resources efficiently, protecting human health, and maintaining the required balance that is necessary in life. Over time, humans have attempted to achieve a more sustainable environment on earth. However, over the past few years, humans have been very irresponsible and unsuccessful as they have depleted what the nature has provided and disrupted the balance that is so essential in life. Humans are disturbing the sustainable development by destroying many cycles of life that were given to us such as the carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, and water cycle. This will have a negative effect on the future generations as they will struggle to meet their needs. To begin with, humans have depleted what the nature has provided and distorted the balance that is so important in life by disrupting the carbon cycle. Carbon is very crucial since it is the main component of every living thing and the atmosphere surrounds us. First, plants take in carbon through their stoma and turn it into a solid part of a plant s structure. When humans and animals eat the plants, they consume this carbon. When we breathe in oxygen, this carbon is exhaled into the atmosphere. This carbon is then taken in by plants asShow MoreRelatedEssay on Sustainable Development And The Triple Bottom Line1515 Words   |  7 PagesSustainable Development And The Triple Bottom Line Sustainable development means that the present generations should be able to make use of resources to live better lives in such a manner that it does not compromise the ability of future generations. 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